About US

NOLIMITS Insurance Services


To become a well-known preferred nationwide company. The ONE that exercises its core values when helping others, treats its clients as family, and delivers with excellence and passion.


Our mission at NOLIMITS Insurance Services is to help our clients in Kerman, CA to tailor their insurance needs by making healthier, assertive, and wiser decisions to enhance their business, family, and future. 

Core Values

  • Integrity

  • Family

  • Ethic

  • Professionalism

  • Respect 

  • Passion 


Verónica Sandoval

Owner & CEO

“I grew up in a picturesque village in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico and I am the youngest of 8 siblings. At the age of 8, I discovered my passion for business without knowing I was an entrepreneur already.  I walked street by street selling fresh homemade donuts out of a handmade basket at $3 pesos each or 4 for $10 pesos. And yes, I even gave credit to my frequent clients too!

From a rock on the floor (big enough to serve its purpose), an upside-down 5-gallon bucket, and a big piece of cardboard, I built my desk, but the guava tree shadow defined my cubicle space. I had everything I needed to close my sales of the day. Chickens, goats, guava, lemon, prickly pear, and pomegranate trees, as the background, along with my mother’s voice calling me in for dinner, was the most beautiful environment and office view anyone can have. 

At the age of 20, I came to The United States in pursuit of the American dream, the same one that brings everyone here. Yes, I am the daughter of Mexican immigrants looking for a better life and to better life. 

Once I begin sharing my dreams (learning other languages, traveling the world, having my own business, etc.) with family, friends, or relatives,  all I heard was “I have been here too many years and it is way too hard”; “that is not for us only for the privilege”; “there are no opportunities for minorities”; “you better find a steady job and stop dreaming”; “stop with your “sueños guajiros”,find a husband, get married before you end up being a ‘cotorra’ like your tia”; “you need to be stable”; “you will spend too many years in school, but what for? for nothing”.

NOLIMITS was born out of this; its logo symbolizes everything. Every color represents humanity, faith, gender, religion, race, color, culture, ethnicity, etc. Although we, as humans, tend to separate from each other, we need to understand that we need each other to continue the infinity of humankind in this world. 

There is no worse and harder obstacle to overcome than the thoughts of the person you see in the mirror every day.  Nothing will be easy or handed to you, but as long as YOU want it, it will be achievable. I promise. 

I worked very hard to reach my goals and I will work twice as hard to help you achieve yours. 

There are NOLIMITS in this life. Never give up on yourself because I will not.”